How to setup simple SMTP in WordPress ?

Easy WP SMTP plugin settings | WordPress


Simple SMTP configuration in wordpress via plugin

  • Install an Easy WP SMTP plugin from WordPress site (How to install plugin in wordpress)
  • Go to Settings >> Easy WP SMTP >> SMTP Setting (see the screenshot)
  • Fill the form:
    From Email Address: This email address will be used in the FROM field
    From Name: This text will be used in the ‘FROM’ field
    Reply-To Email Address: Optional. This email address will be used in the ‘Reply-To’ field of the email. Leave it blank to use ‘From’ email as the reply-to value.
    SMTP Host: Your mail server
    Type of Encryption: For most servers SSL/TLS is the recommended option
    SMTP Port: The port to your mail server
    SMTP Authentication: Required yes for SMTP
    SMTP Username: The username to login to your mail server
    SMTP Password: The password to login to your mail server
  • Save the settings


SMTP Host:
Type of Encryption: TLS
SMTP Port: 465 OR 587
SMTP Authentication: yes
SMTP Username: your gmail (
SMTP Password: gmail password 

Test your settings:

Select the Test Email tab: Add the followings:
To: Enter the recipient’s email address
Subject: Enter a subject for your message
Message: Write your email message

Click the Send Test Email

Test email was successfully sent. No errors occurred during the process.